What is INFAB HUB?

We are the Digital Innovation Hub for the transformation in the manufacturing processes, located in Galicia and with a wide international network of collaborators.

We have a broad alliance of partners and infrastructure that will help companies – SMEs in particular – to improve their production processes and increase competitiveness, through digitalization and internationalization.

Specialized in 4 value chains:

Automotive, metalworking and transport

Aeronautics and aerospace



Seal of Excellence of the European Commission


INFAB HUB brings together all the key actors to meet your needs: industrial associations, research centers, private companies, R&D organizations, venture capital companies and universities.

Technology nodes

Artificial Intelligence and
Cognitive Systems.

Simulation and modeling

Software as a service and
service architectures

Data mining, Big Data,
database management.

The Internet of Things

Our services

We accompany your idea throughout the whole innovation cycle, from concept to expansion.


Evaluation of
digital maturity


Validation and

Generation of ecosystems

Training and skills

Vision and strategic development

Access to

Incubation, acceleration
and tutoring.

Dissemination and

What do you need help with?

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